- The Lake Trailhead - Santa Catalina Mountains - Southern Arizona
- Google Map Coordinates: 32.32101500 -110.62059900
- At This Trailhead: Bellota Trail, Arizona Trail, 'The Lake'
- Nearby Trailheads and Parking: Italian Spring Trailhead
Driving Time and Distance from Tucson
- 1 Hour and 30 Minutes from Speedway and Campbell
- 26.4 miles from Speedway and Campbell
- Vehicle Access: A high clearance vehicle is needed for FR36 and recommended for Redington Road.
Fees and Services
- Fee: No
- Restrooms: No
- Water: No (While there is no ready-to-drink water at the trailhead 'The Lake' is nearby and could provide water if you treat/filter the water before drinking. (Water at The Lake is seasonal...))
[ImageTwoPictureSideBySide imagepathone=”/santa-catalina-mountains/the-lake-trailhead/1703-Water-near-the-AZT-The-Lake-Signs” captionone=”Water near the trail signs west of FR36 – note there is a larger pool of water north of the trail. March 2017.” imagepathtwo=”/santa-catalina-mountains/the-lake-trailhead/1703-The-Lake” captiontwo=”‘The Lake’ – located off the trail to the north this pool is larger than the one that forms near the trail signs. March 2017.”/]
[ImageTwoPictureSideBySide imagepathone=”/santa-catalina-mountains/the-lake-trailhead/Arizona-Trail-The-Lake-Signs-on-the-Bellota-Trail-1703″ captionone=”Trailhead signs for The Lake – these are not visible from the road, they are located a short walk west along the trail. March 2017.” imagepathtwo=”/santa-catalina-mountains/the-lake-trailhead/Bellota-Trail-Sign-on-the-East-Side-of-FR36A-1703″ captiontwo=”The Bellota Trail leaving FR36 a short walk northeast along the road from the wash crossing where this page suggests parking. March 2017.”/]
Driving Directions
Suggested driving directions from the Speedway and Campbell intersection in Tucson to the The Lake Trailhead:
- North on Campbell Avenue (1.0 mile)
- Right on Grant Road (5.6 miles)
- Left on Tanque Verde Road - Tanque Verde becomes Redington Road, after several miles the the pavement ends. Approximately 7 miles after the pavement ends FR36 leaves Redington Road on the left - this road is rougher and narrower than Redington Road (18.3 miles) (If you reach the Italian Spring Trailhead you have gone too far.)
- Turn left onto FR36 (2.1 miles)
- The trailhead is located at a wash crossing - the only markers visible from the road will be small Arizona Trail Signs on the left where the Bellota/AZ Trail come thru a fence and join FR36. Parking is not specifically marked but is easy to find. (if pass an Arizona Trail marker on your right you have gone too far - head back to the wash crossing).
Driving Directions - Map
Google Maps Directions from the Speedway and Campbell intersection in Tucson to The Lake Trailhead