The plan was take pictures of the flowers, I knew Mariposa Lilies were scattered along the ridge… But the wind, blowing relentlessly, didn’t cooperate with our plan… We could have turned around but it was just too beautiful.
With the wind keeping us from endlessly taking flower pictures we reached Gnat Tank more quickly than expected – beautiful reflections, and plenty of time to do the full La Milagrosa and Agua Caliente Canyon Trail Loop.
The sun set while we were in Agua Caliente Canyon and on the climb up the colors in the sky were extrodinary – lights came on in the city while we descended the La Milagrosa Trail.
Our headlamps were on before we reached the La Milagrosa Canyon crossing – we stopped and watched beetles in the pools and a spider hunting over the water before hiking back into the night.
6.3 miles, +/- 1450′ elevation gain/loss.